What’s this Blog About?

I’m biking across the U.S.!  The impetus for this blog was originally because a few of you asked to follow along.  The more I pondered a blog, the more the concept went from a blog to provide updates, to a “journal of sorts”, as I prepare for and eventually experience this journey.  So for those of you who asked if I intended to write a blog, this might be a perfect example of, “be careful what you ask for.”

I see this bike journey as yet another opportunity for a great life experience.  And as Jill reminded me the other day, I have had a lot of great life experiences.  “In fact,” she said, “you have been blessed beyond measure!”  I have no argument with that.  Only gratitude.

The beginning of this blog is filled with my musings as I prepare for and anticipate the bike journey.  Once the bike trip starts, my plan is to post one picture a day. I may or may not elaborate on the picture, the day, or my thoughts, but if you are lucky, I’ll just stick with the picture.  My favorite form of expression is through pictures.


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